Neptune United is a nonpartisan, community advocacy organization committed to ensuring fairness and equality for all Neptune Township residents and visitors. While our focus will evolve as new issues arise, our goal will always be to protect and celebrate an increasingly diverse community.

Feeling Excluded?

Featuring religious displays in courthouses, public schools, state capitols, or public parks transforms the spaces that are supposed to bring us together into spaces that are divisive and make some members of the community feel excluded.” – Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

Engineering Plan for Neptune Township Proposed Ocean Grove Cross-Shape Pier, dated September 3, 2021.

Yes to a Secular-Shape Pier.

Neptune United has no objection to the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association rebuilding Neptune Township’s Ocean Grove Pier and its extension into the ocean.

Neptune United, like many residents and visitors, is impressed with the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association’s (OGCMA) effort to raise private funds to rebuild a public-use pier. The Ocean Grove Pier is not only an iconic landmark, since 1976 it has enjoyed classification as an historic pier, as part of Ocean Grove’s state and national historic district designations.

Unfortunately, the OGCMA’s recent actions have shown their disregard for the significance of history, and for local and state rules and laws. Therefore, in an effort to ensure that the new pier preserves the historic classification; is compliant with all federal, state, and local laws; and does not harm residents, visitors, tourism, or property values of homes, Neptune United is calling for a government oversight committee.

No to a Cross-Shape Pier.

The OGCMA has said, “. . . we love the fact that it looks like a cross.” Continuing in a later interview: “. . . the pier can serve to remind people of the love and forgiveness God has for all people.” – News12, Aug. 23, 2022; The Coaster, Sep. 26, 2022

In August 2022, when interviewed if the proposed pier was designed to be a cross-shape, the OGCMA President stated it was designed “to be in the shape that it’s been designed to be.” The next day, in the above quote, the OGCMA finally admitted what we knew all along: the pier was redesigned as a cross with religious intent. Given the OGCMA’s involvement with a national hate group, its history of discrimination, and its refusal to follow state and local authority, Neptune United has fundamental concerns with reconstruction, as proposed. Our Issues section provides a comprehensive review of the many ways the OGCMA’s proposed pier, and their actions are:
• Non-compliant with local and state laws.
• A public safety risk.
• Concerning because Neptune Township could face a possibly dangerous wave of religious radicalism.


The pier should be changed to a more secular design. This issue could be put to rest today if the OGCMA simply modified its pier shape.

Artist Rendering of Secular-Shape for Neptune Township Ocean Grove Pier

Rendering of the proposed reconstructed Pier, as first provided by the OGCMA on August 3, 2022.


The OGCMA’s history of discrimination, involvement with a national hate group, and a cross-shape pier is harmful to Neptune Township, and its residents and visitors.

Everyone agrees that Ocean Grove is a special community, one with an unusual interconnection of local government, diverse residents, and a religious land owner. Given this context and these combined factors, a cross-shape pier on Neptune Township’s Ocean Grove Beach, cannot be considered “like any other town.” For example, a cross-shape pier may not have the same impact if it were built in Bradley Beach. The OGCMA’s religious intent for the pier makes it problematic in the secular Neptune Township.

Will this cross-shape pier alienate thousands of visitors and current and potential residents a year, depress property values, and decrease Neptune Township tourism and revenues? You decide.

Construction Activities, September 15, 2022, in violation of the NJDEP Permit

Intentional Disregard.

The OGCMA’s actions betray their belief that rules do not apply to them. Their intentional disregard for regulations endangers the environment and residents, and will forever change the perception of the Ocean Grove District of Neptune Township.

The OGCMA has not applied for nor obtained any of the necessary permits. This project requires demolition and zoning permits, and an Historic Preservation Commission Certificate of Appropriateness from Neptune Township. Without these, there is no oversight on the construction. Thus, there is no way to know if the finished pier will be safe. People’s safety is something for which Neptune Township and the OGCMA should be very concerned.

Also, the OGCMA has violated several New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) requirements contained in the OGCMA’s permit, and engaged in activities that are prohibited under the 2018 Ocean Grove Beach Management Plan. The OGCMA’s refusal to comply could further impact the health and safety of our environment, and residents and visitors.

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