Be Heard Now!
Cross Beach Badges
Send an email to the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association Trustees to voice your alarm at their 2023 beach badge that has a cross symbol on it for entrance to Ocean Grove Beach, Neptune’s local township beach.
Click Write below, and a ready-to-send email will open on your device. Click Send Message is all you have to do.
Be Heard Now!
Cross-Shape Pier
Send an email to elected officials and administrator below to voice your alarm at the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association’s proposed plan to build a cross-shape pier on Ocean Grove Beach in Neptune Township, New Jersey.
Click Write below, and a ready-to-send email will open on your device. Click Send Message is all you have to do.
Your email will be sent to:
Phil Murphy New Jersey Governor
Sheila Oliver New Jersey Lt. Governor
George Helmy Governor’s Chief of Staff
Vin Gopal New Jersey State Senator
Kimberly Eulner New Jersey State Assembly Member
Marilyn Piperno New Jersey State Assembly Member
Nicholas Williams Mayor Neptune Township
Keith Cafferty Deputy Mayor Neptune Township
Dr. Michael Brantley Committeeman Neptune Township
Robert Lane Jr. Committeeman Neptune Township
Tassie York Committeewoman Neptune Township
Gina LaPlaca Neptune Township Business Administrator
Gene Anthony Neptune Township Attorney