Neptune United takes issue with several aspects of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association. We believe that knowledge is power. We have identified the issues below to date with detailed information.
Above each issue title, click the category to see all issues related to that category. Current categories include:
OGCMA Behavior, Resident Views, and Ocean Grove Pier
State Violations
The OGCMA had to file extensive documents for this project. There are violations.
Religious Intent of Pier
The OGCMA always intended a cross-shape pier, to promote it as such. They didn’t own up to, or advertise, the shape to the public.
Township’s Duty to Regulate
NJDEP Permit specifically states OGCMA must obtain all local approvals prior to commencement.
Township’s Misconduct
Neptune Land Development Ordinance sets duties a town must do for the State and itself.
Public Use / Private Owner
The private Pier is for public use. Is this duality exploited? Will public access remain forever?
Church and State
Landlord status of OGCMA sets up conflict with this pivotal constitutional right.
Many Shapes to Select
Piers are engineered in many shapes. The OG Pier does not have to be cross-shape for stability.
Historic Shape of Pier
Ocean Grove’s stewards always chose to rebuild the Ocean Grove Pier in a straight shape, until now.